
BlooGee - Nr. 2

fehlerhafter Prototyp
SQL-Injections fehlen

BlooGee - Nr. 5
BlooGee - Nr. 4
BlooGee - Nr. 3
BlooGee - Nr. 1

DEVNOTES.txt - Printed 13.05.2006, 11:52:26 - Page 1
BIooGee Version O.OOf public

This is the first version of BlooGee. What is BlooGee?

First of all, BIooGee is not a fall blown content management or weblog system. BlooGee is rather a library for displaying and editing existing content from variety of sources. Upon this library and its model you can build highly customizable Interfaces to existing structured data produced by commonly used Systems as mentioned above. The basic BlooGee wrapper makes extensive use of the famous libraries "Prototype" and "Scriptaculous" which are included with this distribution. You may use BlooGee to search and edit your existing content in a comfortable way, or build an additional "display and edit port" to existing structured data.

What does BlooGee need?

BlooGee needs the follwing things: a living datasource (basically MySQL with tables from MovableType or Post/PHPNuke, or use your own format, See below), a properly Set up Apache, PHP are Server side prepositions, the dient side will need a common browser with activated JavaScript. (!!This version works properly only using Firefox!!). Just copy the fites and directories in the package to a directory of your choice (fit should be accessable via Apache...), you may rename index.php as needed. Set up the datasource (which is a high risk at this time, you may loose ALL your tables, or anyone may edit your content...!) , call index.php in your browser.

How does BIooGee work?

Initially, BIooGee works like a simple weblog - fit produces an array which alway has the Same structure: {id, title, text, [array $relatives], [array yconfig]}. If no quert' string is specified, fit takes a default action (selection) from its default plugin and Passes the result (the array, See above) to the appropiate wrapper. This wrapper produces the HTML and JavaScript output which is sent to the dient If the basic controller (index.php) receives a quert' string, fit will be examined if fit contains block commands. If so, only the first is executed, if not, BlooGee treats the quert' string as a search term and delivers a collection to the wrapper which will format and return fit to the dient. BlooGee works with any datasource which has a PHP-accessable API if the appropiate dbadaptor is used. As well BlooGee may produce not only HTML output, bat also XML or popular formats Ilke RSS (if the appropiate wrapper is used).

What does 61ooGee consist of?

BlooGee consists of a Set of clientside scripts and a Set of Server side PHP scripts. lt makes use of AJAX related stuff and is based an a simple object model for microcontent. To construct the wrapper interface, the common libraries Prototype and Scriptaculous are used.


A wrapper is the HTML Part that is initially loaded into the browser. lt contains references to JavaScript, CSS and basic HTML. A wrapper IS used to put all elements an screen, fit is the basic layout template for BlooGee. A wrapper is only loaded an initially calling a BlooGee Page and ties together all elements and behaviours, also the wrapper decides which format is used for initial output.


BlooGees datasource interface accepts a basic Set of shorthands to retrieve content items. These can easily be wrapped into specialised plugins or controller pages. Additionally, they can be passed via GET or POST data to BlooGee. If used with Controllers, partial updates are possible (See the example Controllers). BlooGee only accepts commands, fitem ids or keywords as querystring.


Plugins smply control the default behaviour of a BIooGee and are included into index.php. They may be used fo building querfies an own specialised block commands. Plugins should pass their output back to index.php, so in most Gases a plugin produces a fall Page output.


Unlike plugins, Controllers update only Parts of the wrapper Page. They use block commands, bat provide their own formatter. Controller are called "stand alone" (not through index.php), fit is up to the wrapper to properly ask for and render a Controllers output. Controllers may be Small and simple appications (Ilke the search controller), or a fall blown application for user registration and management.

DB adaptor

The datasource adaptor provides the interface between command langvage and the data. By default, BlooGee uses a MySQL database with MovableType tables. Further versions will contain adaptors for PostNuke/PHPNuke, Serendipidity, Google, Amazon and ebay. By using different adaptors in specialised Controllers, several datasources may be combined into one BIooGee Page. If the datasource is not an your own Server, the
DEVNOTES.txt - Printed an 13.05.2006, 11:52:26 - Page 2
dbadator has to provide the ca-rect AJAX talk which will be handled through the dient sided wrapper.


BIooGees block commands make fit highly communicative. If you haue the appropiate controller, a remote BIooGee may be queried and even updated. If you haue a lock at the classes, you will find a basic object which carries information an "per fitem" or "permalink" basis. For example, a BlooGee may query other sites and update if something corresponds with an fitem - for example, if a remote URL is added to the relatives section. The other side may decide whether to store this information to the relatives section of its element, or not.

Notfite: in this version O.Ol.a messaging is only "implicit", which means there is no special controller for that. Since messaging is one of the basic concepts (and features) of BlooGee, the next version will provide a RPC-like command for remote updating.

// if you decide to use this version: //
Copy all fites and directories to your Webserver. Edit the configwation values for your MySQL database (in this version, you will haue to edit the fieldnames in the SQL Statements by hand) which will work with nearly any basic CMS table with id, title, text structure. Edit the Stylesheets as you need and Ilke. // DO NOT provide BIooGee a database user WITH writing permissions!!!!!! // // if you cannot change the database user: DO NOT USE ON THE WEB NOW! // // this is only an alpha version, use at own fall risk.
// You may use this version to edit local content er use read only datasources.//
// This is for security reasons; anyone may alter and delete your MySQL database, regardless of edit.php.//

This versions limitations:
- no real messaging between BIooGees
- no saving or printing of results
- no control of user state

For further versions... ToDo


Vieports are Small HTML/JavaScript templates which the wrapper er controller has to apply an a per fitem basis, so an fitem containing a simple link to an avi fite or stream may be automatically wrapped into a fallt' configured player, Image viewer er plugin.

Saving lists
is not possible yet, bat will bee soon. And printing as well ;-))

For weblog style comments a controller would be fine...


BIooGee is licensed under GPL. Donations welcome. Use at own risk and own fun. BIooGee is not for governmental or miltary use.


This work is dedicated to friends who helped me a tot in the past two years. So these are special thanks to rww, dl, mmv, js, ah, hs, hj. And, of course, this is dedicated to my beloved son and his patience with fit all.

X;1 www1DEVNOTES. txt- File date 13.05.2006- File time_ 11,3112
X1 wwwl DEVNOTES txt - File date: 13.05 2006 - File firne: 11:31:12

AJAX, Web 2.0, WEB 2.0, BlooGee, Markus Koch, Markus C. Koch
(siehe Koch in der Literaturliste Weblogs/Wikipedia und PHP-Nuke/Wikipedia)

BlooGee - Nr. 1

fehlerhafter Prototyp
SQL-Injections fehlen

BlooGee - Nr. 2
BlooGee - Nr. 3
BlooGee - Nr. 4
BlooGee - Nr. 5

README.txt - 13.05.2006, 11:51:57 - Page 1

What is BIooGee?

Initially, Bloo Gee was developed as a proof-of-concept work for a simple object model concerning microcontent. Main target is to provide an instrument to establish semantic networks, based an communications between webservers. BlooGee is (for now) a kind of add-on for weblogs and content management systems. It works on any structured content which can be described by a simple model identifyer, short description (or headline) and extended description (the main content). In this sense, almost any table with text data may be used by BlooGee. It is not intended as a replacement for existing systems, but as add-on for common blog Systems to establish communcation based an semantics between different weblogs.

How does BlooGee work?

In this first version, BIooGee simply provides a kind of desktop Interface to exsiting blog content as well as a command Shell to access (not only) Server functionality. There are some nice features like in-place editing, a Jot of AJAX-stuff and some basic tools to test and establish communications between different BlooGees. It basically supports a "site to site" protocol, based an simple HTTP requests. Concerning the content, BlooGee adds a special property to Single items: relations between micro content objects. In this sense, BlooGee provides search capabilities which are no longer based an keywords, but an semantics. If a search is done, it still starts with a keyword (and only one single keyword), but then focuses an (user provided) relations between items - and different sites.

BlooGee core functions

Basically BlooGee adds an abstraction layer for existing content. This layer is strictly embedded into a security layer which controls access to its core command Set. BlooGee supports unlimited users, user rights and command rights are expressed as simple numbers: if the command "level" is less or egaul than the user "level", the command is executed. In this sense, the BlooGee security model may easily be extended or used for own development. And - of course - own commands may be implemented.

Communication between BlooGee Servers

The BlooGee prototoll is inspired by existing peer-to-peer networks. Each time a request is made, lists of known other Servers are exchanged between Servers. And - of course - search requests are exchanged too. If a site is unreachable (but still up), a semantic network of BlooGees may fetch the content.

What is BIooGee made of?

BlooGee consists of a Set of PHP pages, a System database and a (individual configurable) main content database. Since BlooGee integrates ADODB, it is quite flexible regarding its environment. The surface is based an Scriptaculous and Prototype libraries. For coming versions, PEAR classes will be integrated for generating HTML pages.


BlooGee provides some simple APIs so it may be easily extended to own needs. Basically it needs an appropiate adaptor for its main content database. Since it is written strictly in the MVC model, BlooGee may easyly be extended with own Controllers to set up special functions.

Command Shell - VT-100 ;-)

Originally written as a debugger, the Command Shell provides terminal like access to BlooGee. It is like "tefneting weblogs" and has some interesting features for accessing content and BlooGees System database as well. Using the command shell, a simple webserver may be used like a "HTTP machine" to construct headers, monitor BlooGee activities, fetch and inspect remote sites, filter links from remote sites ...

How to use BIooGee

BlooGee may live in any subdir an the webserver. If configured properly, it provides a nice "blog desktop" with drag 'n drop capabilities, in place editing, user Jogin and a Page menu. If the command Shell is opened, it provides access to Server functions es described. To take full advantage of BlooGee, a change in the model of the content is required: Single items haue to be "tagged" with keywords and/or the URLs (permalinks) of related items. The more relatives, the more effective the semantic network. And the less the need of "keyword matches" for successful searches...

About this version

This is the first Version of BlooGee - still below 0.1 ;-) - which has the following capabilities:
- a full security layer, supporting an

- abstract layer of basic datbase commands.
- a full featured command Shell to access the
- basic Set of Server-to-Server prototoll functions; and
- an AJAX based desktop for blog-style display.
- Integration of ADODB.
- A widely open architecture for extensions and third Party plugins.

README.txt - 13.05.2006, 11:51:57 - Page 2

Note: this first version will preferably work an MySQL and Apache. Although a basic different between System tabies and content table is made, both (in this initial version) will haue to reside in the same db. Server protocol is limited to basics since there is still a problem with "exploding" requests so the appropiate code paus are more or less "symbolic". This will be fixed in the next version, which also will provide some more database adaptors for common Weblog/CM Systems (in O.OOf (at this time, there are adaptors for MovableType, Postnuke and Serendipidity).

TODO (for upcoming versions)

- establish real messaging and search capabilities between BlooGees.
- handle requests in System db by scripts
- export selections and results to tiddlers (TiddlyWiki friends - smile!!)
- and fix a Jot of bugs ;-))

XlwwwlREADME.fxt-File date: 13.05.2006-File time 11:34:01
X I wwwIREADME. txt - File date: 13.05.2006 - File time: 11:34:01

AJAX, Web 2.0, WEB 2.0, BlooGee, Markus Koch, Markus C. Koch
(siehe Koch in der Literaturliste Weblogs/Wikipedia und PHP-Nuke/Wikipedia)

Lilith L. - Gallery

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