

gesehen bei chiapas.ch:
Das Blog "Mexiko, Licht und Schatten"

Es ist genug für alle da.

Mit Hilfe des unten beschriebenen BlooGee entsteht die neue "Liliths Lounge" - Ja. Man hat mich überstimmt. Nicht Loge, sondern Lounge. Naaaa gut!

Das BlooGee ist frei verfügbar. Da es jedoch ein Sport geworden ist, unsere Kommunikationswege zu stören, bieten wir allen Interessierten an, sich zum Beispiel im gerade neu entstehenden "Dabringhausener Kultur-Kiosk" in der Nähe von Köln mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen. Die Adresse und Öffnungszeiten schreibe ich unter anderem hier ins Blog. Inwieweit im Sommer eine Präsens in Köln selbst geöffnet wird, zeigt sich in den nächsten Wochen.

Nette Leute sind im Kultur-Kiosk jederzeit herzlich willkommen. Alle anderen bleiben besser zu Hause. Über die Eingangsschwelle kommen sie eh' nicht hinaus ...

P.S. Und immer schön die Lauscherchen kleinen Ohren in Stellung lassen! Wir spielen nämlich jetzt Im-Kreis-Drehen.


Mir fällt da ganz spontan "Bulworth" ein: Soooozzziallissmuuuus ... Gelle? ...
War aber wirklich alles nur Spaß. *g

BlooGee - Nr. 5

BlooGee - Nr. 4
BlooGee - Nr. 3
BlooGee - Nr. 2
BlooGee - Nr. 1

!!Example 4
Even the smallest blog provides categories... no need for this special property. Simply use keywords as URI to create category MCOs. Add to the array of relatives in Example 3:

< related > http://page/contains/linktothis.html http://thissite/index.php?fitem=100 http://anysite/permalink=122 < fitem> http://anway/image.jpg keyword category
Since 'http://myweblog/permalinksphp?myID=11' is the permalink to this entry, http://myweblog/rpc.php?myID=11' its API for this entry. At this time (1 think ?;-)) there seems no way to use a simple convention to build querfies an items 'keyword' and 'category'. By default, the controller has to deliver an object based an a translation from 'keyword, category' to appropiate entry IDs. These entries contain information about all known (at least local) entries related to 'keyword, category' an your server. So the object representing a collection of categorized MCOs for 'keyword' may be:

< URI > http://myweblog/permalinks.php?myID=keyword http://myweblog/rpc.php?myID=keyword
< body >

This Image describes best what this category 'category' is all about:


< related>
< fitem > http: //page/contains/linktothis.html http://anway/image.jpg
< fitem > http: //myweblog/permalinks php?myID=12 < fitem > http: //myweblog/permalinks.php?myID=17 < fitem > http: //myweblog/permalinks.php?myID=19 http://yourweblog/categorycontroller/category
< /rel ated >

By default, the controller application (i.e. [[Pseudocode Controller - Beispiel]]) should search for an entry with the title 'keyword' if given a non-numerical ID.

!! Active Blog Objects (ABO) as MCOM implemetation
let you collect and combine information from a variety of sources
* help you find and display related content

* work with any permalink capable CMS and Weblog System

* fully integrate into DOM and MVC

* let you create Portals and blogs from scratch, based an semantics (related content) from various sources

* Show you which other objects link to an ABO

* provide a full API and messaging format

* let you create drill down pages and document trees

By using ActiveBlogObjects, instead of putting pieces of text together an one page and loading another fulll page by clicking some link you Start combining pieces of microcontent by referring them by their permalink. If the user loads a page, he receives a collection of microcontent objects from various sources. Then he might drill down into the contenxt of each object without euer reloading the main page or leaving the page where he had started from.

ABO consists of two main Parts: a JavaScript for the client, and specialiced Controllers written in PHP for the Server. Additionally, ActiveBlogObjects provide a wrapper and text parser dass to transform sources which do not even make implicit use of MCOM.

ActiveBlogObjects is a proof-of-concept implementation of the MicroContentObjectModel. Since Weblogs are perfect sources of semantical !inked microcontent objects, full of links and based an a common model of blog entries. Most of them allready provide a Standard Port for messaging (trackback) Support permalinks and are capable of appropiate tagging Single entries.

!!How to use ActiveBlogObjects?
All you haue to do is sending the JavaScript and a set of Parameters (URLs of the MCOs you want to display initially) to your visitor, along with the header of your index.html. Second, haue the appropiate controller(s) for the CMS(s) installed an your site(s). Third, create stylesheets for your views, create your own interface, view document trees and find paths between documents. Simply display together what is related. And saue the information of being diplayed along with the information to be dispfayed. Ask objects about their relatives, and Start to build networks of sematically linked microcontent.

!!Programmers only?
Noop. While lt is quite usefull to understand the concepts of related microcontent and MCOM (which both are no rocket sciences nor require a degre in informatics), only little technical knowledge is needed to use fit: simply add URLs to your entries, using the field for trackbacks. Getting a little help an designing Interfaces is recommended. By default, you can simply insert the JavaScript part into an empty entry, add the permalinks you wart to haue an the st arting page, and the script will overlay the containing page with a switchable Interface to this MCO's context. ABO IS ENTIRELY ALPHA VERSIONED!

XIwwwIMCOMTXT-File date: 13.05-2006-File time 10'49'33
X1 wwwIMCOM TXT - File date: 13.05.2006 - File time: 10:49:33

AJAX, Web 2.0, WEB 2.0, BlooGee, Markus Koch, Markus C. Koch
(siehe Koch in der Literaturliste Weblogs/Wikipedia und PHP-Nuke/Wikipedia)

Lilith L. - Gallery

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 5. Nov, 13:27


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