

But the name Mabon actually has links to the Mabinogion, the ancient stories of Gods and Humans in Welsh mythology. The tales of the Mabon are the “tales of the hero.” They derive this meaning from “mabon” or “meibon” -- meaning a young man or youth. It is also the name of the God, Mabon ap Modron (Mabon in Welsh means “son”). So this is a reference to the son of the Welsh Goddess Madron. She is the Divine Mother and He is, simply, the Divine Son.

Most scholars agree that the Celts did not call the Autumn Equinox by the name Mabon. But this newer adaptation is certainly in keeping with the ancient Celtic practice of adopting festivals, myths, and Deities from other cultures. At Mabon, the Mother of the Harvest becomes the Old One, the wise grandmother who teaches us to rest after our labors.


Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 22. September 17:44 MESZ. Herbst-Tagundnachgleiche - Mabon



"Und noch weniger gefällt mir die Geste, die Schwangeren Gnade entgegenbringen will, statt ihnen Rechte zuzubilligen."

Stepping Stones Nigeria:

Our work focuses on some of the most challenging issues that children face today such as: ... Stigmatisation, abandonment and killings of so-called child “witches” (via Nemeton)

Search: "Kinderhexen" , "child witches"

Children are targets of Nigerian witch hunt

Evangelical pastors are helping to create a terrible new campaign of violence against young Nigerians. Children and babies branded as evil are being abused, abandoned and even murdered while the preachers make money out of the fear of their parents and their communities

Thousands of child 'witches' turned on to the streets to starve
Kinshasa sects make fortunes from exorcisms

'In African culture, when something goes wrong, we ask the spirits to find the human cause,' Mafu explains. 'These days children are accused. They can be persuaded to accept it's their fault. They tell themselves "it is me, I am evil".'

Then there are the new fundamentalist Christian sects, of which there are thousands in Kinshasa. They make money out of identifying 'witches' and increasingly parents bring troublesome children to the pastors. 'It's a business,' says Mafu. 'For a fee of $5 or $10 they investigate the children and confirm they are possessed. For a further fee they take the child and exorcise them, often keeping them without food for days, beating and torturing them to chase out the devil.'

Kinderhexen, Hexenprozesse, Hexenhammer etc.


Nu ...

Stoned im Nasa-Netzwerk?

Das kommt davon, wenn man statt der Mysterienspiele Außerirdische Offiziere sieht. Der Fall des Engländers Gary McKinnon wurde im August 2008 vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte behandelt. Dies stellte für McKinnon die letzte Chance dar, nicht in die USA ausgeliefert zu werden. Auch dieser Antrag wurde jedoch am 28.8.2008 abgelehnt.

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