
BlooGee - Nr. 4

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BlooGee - Nr. 5
BlooGee - Nr. 3
BlooGee - Nr. 2
BlooGee - Nr. 1

Bloglands ...

In practical terms: This model cries for example usage with common weblog and content management systems. Microcontent as generated by those systems is perfect: fit IS fall of links to external ressources, fit consists of tagged structures expressable in MCOM, messaging between Systems is widely supported, permalinks are a common way of retrieving unique microcontent elements (the reasons why examples tend to be entries from weblogs). Remember, an entry may contain a fall-blown webplication, script generating a collection of MCO... move away from categories and comments, rather add a MCO to your weblog and link fit to the respective thread (and to any other interesting resource). And don't forget to message the remote MCO about that ;-)


Constructing an MCOM object will result in an object which contains MIME based data and collections of metadata, at least an the object's location and MIME type. Additionally, a special collection named "relatives" contains information (URLs) an related documents which are not directly linked from the MIME data. This collection may be updated from MCOM objects linking to fit, Bither from MIME data or relatives collection. This is done by using "update", one of three basic methods: "finit" initially loads a MCO into a document, "expand" expands a node in a MCO's contextual network. While the displaying MCO is rendered by the client'S browser, object data is delivered by a simple serverside controller. Appropiate properties of the MCO are rendered and displayed as nodes within the DOM to simplyfy the view. AJAX techniques help retrieve and display semantical vectors and their resulting trees. MCOM integrates with MVC and DOM, so all objects can be expressed in common scripting languages.

Details an MCOM

will be published soon; the notes an MCOM in TiddlyWiki BIogScript_html contain more basic information and code, but haue to be translated from german. It also discusses the MasterBlogObject (MBO). CAVE: All these are rough notes and scripts, no warranties, changes reserved, all rights reserved, use at own risk.

XML style description of MCO
This is the minimum required to build and transfer an MCO. This no DTD, but kind of template.

this.title this.URI
this.content < related>
Regarding the document body, [CDATA] should be used: data is not to be parsed by the XML Interpreter, but
what we ask the clients browser to display as a certain object within DOM.

!!Example 1
A simple hyperlink like {{{
before... btw. I found this Image:

< fitem > http: //thissite/indexphp?fitem=100

Please notfite: the array of items is added "automagically by the controller!
For this, he conveniently tries to parse the body... and, of course, von may Lisa a specialised controller (serverside or as patt of the view) to transform http requests of properly tagged blog entries to MCOs.

X1 wwwIMCOM TXT - File date: 13.05.2006 - File time: 1049:33
MCOM.TXT - Printed an 13.05.2006, 11:52:11 - Page 4

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