

But the name Mabon actually has links to the Mabinogion, the ancient stories of Gods and Humans in Welsh mythology. The tales of the Mabon are the “tales of the hero.” They derive this meaning from “mabon” or “meibon” -- meaning a young man or youth. It is also the name of the God, Mabon ap Modron (Mabon in Welsh means “son”). So this is a reference to the son of the Welsh Goddess Madron. She is the Divine Mother and He is, simply, the Divine Son.

Most scholars agree that the Celts did not call the Autumn Equinox by the name Mabon. But this newer adaptation is certainly in keeping with the ancient Celtic practice of adopting festivals, myths, and Deities from other cultures. At Mabon, the Mother of the Harvest becomes the Old One, the wise grandmother who teaches us to rest after our labors.

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